The consultancy team at Trade Mining Services are experts in their fields having teams that mobilise to site to deliver the results you need. Trade Mining Services specialise in mining techniques, logistics, production improvement and mentoring.
With decades of industry experience Trade Mining Services are able to provide a catered consultancy service to suit your operation.
Services include Mining techniques, Engineering, Geological and Maintenance.
Our frontline, contract base experts complete hands on training, from turning a decline with theory, hands-on machine training, reducing over-break and working closely with your 2nd and 3rd tier operators sharing proven techniques to achieve frontline results. Working with previous clients has seen results of up to 40% with cycle times with our proven techniques and reports provided to support.
Geological Trade Mining has formed an alliance with a premier geological consulting company who, with over 25-years of experience, can provide high-quality service and results to the minerals industry from targeting, to execution to acquittal. Contact TMS to discuss task-matched geological support.
Trade Mining Services has a partnership with a company that specialises in all aspects of Underground Machinery Maintenance with a particular focus on Drill performance, we have almost 20-years expenience dealing with various facets of Mining & Maintenance helping the customer get more tonnes to the mill. Contact the team at Trade Mining Services to see how we can assist you.